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Student Health

Health Image

At LCPS, student health is extremely important to fostering a productive and safe learning environment. We work with students, parents, healthcare professionals and the community to keep our students healthy and ready to learn.

Health Conditions

It is the parent's responsibility to inform the child's Teacher or Principal if there are medical conditions that require special measures such as dietary or activity restrictions at school for the student. School Nurses are available for health consultation, but are not present at the school on a daily basis.


North Carolina law requires all children in the state to receive certain immunizations. Records are checked when children enter school or child care.

> More information about immunizations

Health Assessments

North Carolina State Law requires that every child entering public schools in N.C. for the first time receive a health assessment. The assessment must occur within 12 months prior to entering school. The medical provider, parent or guardian is encouraged to provide a completed health assessment transmittal form to school on or before the child's first day of attendance.

For questions or concerns about this information, please contact your school or see your School Nurse.