Brent Williams is one of the rare school superintendents who has grown up professionally in the school district he has come to lead. He was named superintendent of Lenoir County Public School in 2015 and has led the rural eastern North Carolina district of 17 schools, 8,500 students, and 1,300 staff members since that time. His career in public education spans nearly 30 years and has involved many varied leadership roles including teacher, assistant principal, principal, Director of Testing and Accountability, Executive Director of Operations, and Associate Superintendent for Curriculum and Instruction.
In July 2020, Williams was named the Southeast Regional Superintendent of Year for 2020-2021. In December 2020, he was named the 2021-2022 North Carolina A. Craig Phillips Superintendent of the Year. He currently serves as Southeast Region President and a member of the board of directors of the North Carolina Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development, NCASCD. Williams is the immediate past president of the North Carolina School Superintendents’ Association. Other professional affiliations include the Lenoir-Greene Partnership for Children Board of Directors, and membership in the North Carolina Association of School Administrators, Southeast Education Alliance, Southeast Alliance Council of Superintendents, Eastern North Carolina Employers and Superintendents Council, the Public School Forum Advisory Board and UNC World View Council of Advisors.
A native of Mount Olive and the son of an educator, Williams earned undergraduate degrees and teacher certification recommendations from Mount Olive College and Barton College and a Master of School Administration degree, Educational Specialist and licensure certifications and all pre-dissertation coursework completion for the Doctor of Education degree in Educational Leadership from East Carolina University. He enjoys woodworking, home improvement projects, fishing, hunting, traveling and spending time with his family. Superintendent Williams and his wife, Amy, have two children, Austin and Abigail.